
Annus Mirabilis contd.

What weighs nine kilos, is made of high-quality paper and cardboard and comes in an unwieldy package that has the tendency to rip through every plastic bag assigned to contain it, and ends up giving you a numb pair of hands, and a euphoric feeling of accomplishment?

Not to mention a lighter wallet.
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The Complete Far Side

by Gary Larson.
4″x 14.3″ x 10″, Two Volumes, 4300 Far Side cartoons arranged by year, 1100 unpublished cartoons, an introduction by Steve Martin, a narrative by Larson preceding every year.

It cost me 3800 Rs. The original price happens to be 135 US$, which comes to 5,877.33 INR. Landmark is selling it at 5k, but I got my copy ordered directly through the IBH distributor courtesy of Krishna at Bookworm. This happens to be a used bookshop off MG Road near India Coffee House, a competitor to Blossom. A good thing about Bookworm is the owner, Krishna, a polite man who knows his business, and also knows that the key to hooking happy customers is to give them discounts – so expect a generous cut to the already-low prices of the books on display. And what’s more – he gets new books too – and sells them at a discount of between 20% and 30% of the market price.

But I’m seriously worried – the size of my wishlist is plummeting – need to do something about that, and fast!


27 thoughts on “Annus Mirabilis contd.

      • Same here :)

        Bought my copy off Amazon last December, when it was $60 or so, big big steal. One other really cool thing about the anthology is the letters from confused readers after an especially wierd panel – like ‘Cow Tools’ (remember that one?). The cow in that one looks sooo cool.

  1. I am so jealous! Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side for far less cause. Anyway, since no one has mentioned the obvious thus far: YOU OWN!! Lots. And lots.
    Ok, I’m just off to throw a hissy fit somewhere.

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