
Beatzo’s Laws of Second-hand Book-Buying

First Law, or the law of pricing: A book will always be priced higher than what one is willing to pay for it.
Corollary I : The feeling of euphoria induced on seeing a book is inversely proportional to amount on the price tag.

Second Law, or the Scouring Law: You always find a book when you least expect it.
The less the effort you put into finding a book, the greater the chances are that you will find it.
Corollary to the Second Law: If you decide to stop buying books for a limited period of time, the quantity of book sales around you will increase dramatically.

Third Law, or the Law of Boundless Optimism: A book will always be available at a cheaper price at some other place some other time.
Corollary to the Third Law: You will always meet a guy who has bought a book at a rate cheaper than what you paid for it.

Fourth Law, or the Serious Law: If you wait to buy a book you think is slightly overpriced, you will always find it on the shelf, but not on the day you give up and go to buy it.


30 thoughts on “Beatzo’s Laws of Second-hand Book-Buying

  1. >You will always meet a guy who has bought a book at a rate cheaper than what you paid for it.

    Oh yes, this guy usually goes by the name Beatzo!

    Are you trying to say that there are some who beat you to it?

  2. >If you decide to stop buying books for a limited period of time, the quantity of book sales around you will increase dramatically.

    So, in order to get the books you want, you have to not get the books you want? I think that song you’re listening to, has corrupted your higher faculties. ;)

      • Yes, I know, I do the same thing myself. I was just trying to arbitrarily drag the song into it because I’ve been living with a bunch of punjoos who listen to that song ALL THE TIME!! I wish I was wealthy and could afford the shirts. If I could, I would tear off my shirt and develop green bulging muscles.

  3. If I may Professor, the 4th law:

    If you wait to buy a book you think is slightly overpriced, you will always find it on the shelf, but NOT on the day you give up and go to buy it.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I wanted to express profound shock at the kind of music you’ve been listening to, but since everyone else here has hammered home the point, I shalt very graciously desist.:-P.

    Ah, your post reminded me, I simply HAVE to see your movie and book collection sometime, da. Especially since I’m just about beginning to recognize some of the proper nouns in your posts.:).


      • Anonymous says:

        The presence of a thousand intervening kilometers, alas, is the problem, da. My people are in Bangalore, and I’ll probably fix my next trip due South to coincide with a KQA quiz, and hopefully drop in then.:). Um, but you’re moving to Hyd pretty soon, no? When?

        Saw the notice for your quiz and went wow. Not because I’m very good at comics(except chacha chaudhary, tinkle and amar chitra katha and all that;), but because I feel like applauding the fact that you’re doing a niche quiz like that.


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