

The quiz is done.

I am conducting the lit-arts quiz for this year’s Nihilanth, the annual ( well, sort of) inter-IIT-IIM quiz festival, due to be held on the 14th and 15th at IIM Kolkata. This is one of the rare times when personal stuff has taken precedence over question-setting, and I had to stay back late at the office two days before the quiz to finish setting all the questions. I have never cut it this close, and I will be glad, really really glad, if the quiz is well-received.

Reasons behind this lateness: my recent move from Bangalore to Hyderabad, and the fact that I have not unpacked any of my books/CDs/DVDs and my computer. Why? Because I am off, right after Nihilanth, to Guwahati, for a well-deserved two-week vacation, and I didn’t want the hassle of reorganising and dusting the preciousses after I get back. A lot of furniture-buying and room-reorganising are in the pipeline once I return. Also, had to do some major work-related revisions at the office, so not too much time to access the Internet there. The All-Important Call for which I was doing so got over about two hours ago, and I could rush through the final touches to the quiz. Another reason was that my roomie’s internet connection seems to have conked off for the past three days, leaving me unable to do much at home post-office.

The plan for the Guwahati trip is to listen to all of John Zorn’s albums ( a gigatorrent of which did whatever all well-recommended gigatorrents tend to do), and re-read the first couple of books of a series that I plan to finish after I am back. ( What series? I am not saying anything. It might be a question in my quiz, heh) If I am lucky, my sister and brother-in-law will also be at home at the time, on a brief trip from London, where both of them are working at the moment. If I am really lucky, my sister will be able to spare luggage-space to get the 28 volumes of Lone Wolf and Cub at one go, along with assorted signed books.

And in other news, I bought a washing machine. Haier, fully-automatic, 5 year-warranty and all that. Now if only those lazy salespeople would come and set the thing up….


26 thoughts on “ANNNNNNNND

  1. Nice new userpic (the MOG OMG OMG… one) There’s some vague optical illusion tha makes it look like the background’s moving (Or is that just me?)
    Do me a favour and kick Mukka’s ass at IIMC, wouldya?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Washing machine!! Aaaah… How I miss that… The campus dhobi has wrecked havoc on my wardrobe. :(

    Ah well, I’ll wait for my machine…

    Oh yeah, meanwhile, after Nihilanth is over, I’ll also bug you with mails so that you send me the questions.. :P



    PS: Would you be kind enough to also tell me whether or not you know any other Sarika. ‘Coz then, I don’t need to type down my link everytime I leave a comment here. Yeah… I’m laziness personified.. Hehe

  3. Anonymous says:

    Google search for “The Mysterious Flame of Queen Lloana” throws up nix, nought and things such like. Am I missing something?

  4. it was a damn good quiz dude. deffy didn’t look like you’d finished it just a day before – unlike some other quizzes there.

    the new userpic looks decent but i prefer the one that looks like a nihilanth.

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