
Artists I love part 2

Mike Mayhew.

One of the artists specialising in photorealism, whose work for Harris comics’ Vampirella in 2000 introduced fans to his amazing pencilwork. His covers for Marvel comics’ The Pulse are nothing short of astounding. He has his own website here, and you can actually commission pieces from him. There is also his gallery at comicartfans.com, and quite a few of his pieces are on sale there too.


-Artists I love: part 1 here.


7 thoughts on “Artists I love part 2

  1. Mayhew, of course.

    Artist I am loving these days? Richard Piers Rainer. man o man o man. He might remind you of those Commando comics’ art, but in a good way. Oh yes, he is good. Very much so, yes.

  2. **Important**

    Dude, this is about your beatzo@zaatar account.

    1. Are you storing / reading email at your zaatar account?
    2. Are you writing email from your zaatar account? How? Webmail? mutt/pine etc via the shell?

    The reason I ask is that I am about to make *serious* changes to the way mail is handled at zaatar, and this will potentially break things. If you have used your address at various places, and mailing lists, and whatever, please let me know.

    I’m trying to make the transition smooth and ensure no loss of email and so on, and I want to warn users (only 4-5 people, me included) beforehand.

    Finally — if you would like to forward all your incoming mail to some gmail account (or anywhere else), that is fantastic. I can do that with no issues at all under the new system too! Please let me know. If you like, feel free to move this discussion to email — I’m at <ravi@livejournal.com>

    Thanks a lot!

  3. zaatar

    yo, just wanted to let you know that I’ve upped your zaatar quota to 3000 MB. Please lemme know if you need any other services. Oh, and sorry for the comment-spam :/

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