
“Shit Chimp Kill! Kill For Khruschev!”

So I’ve been having fun. Kind of.

Weekend trip to Bangalore after a long time. Couple of KQA quizzes, a 1500 Rs gift voucher for Premier book stall, and a bunch of comics that dark_knight_245 had brought back for me from among the stuff in the States ( part of my loot with Carthik). Won the open quiz, spent the 1500 Rs on rather giggle-inducing finds. The first thing my eyes could discern on the shelves was a copy of Sergey Lukyanenko’s Night Watch, the first in this trilogy that has been adapted into a Russian film of the same name and has earned huge accolades everywhere. The Oxford Book of Modern Phrase and Fable, the Indian edition, which came for quite cheap.

What completely blew my mind was the comics. The frigging thing was heavy ( well, d-uh, it would be, I guess, being 13 kilos and all), and I can only say – Dibyo, respect, man, You made my month!

For those who are interested in what it contains – Geoff Darrow and Frank Miller’s Hard Boiled, Shaolin Cowboy and Big Guy and the Rusty the Boy Robot. The Spirit magazines from the 1970’s, published by Kitchen Sink Press ( issues 17-70, the Spirit: The First 99 Dailies), a signed copy of Come in Alone – a collection of Warren Ellis’s writings on comics, the first twelve issues of Planetary, the last six issues of Miracleman by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham as well as the TPBs of Miracleman: The Golden Age and Miracleman: Apocrypha. A bunch of New X-Men issues, from issue 137-154, the Grant Morrison run. Half of the Grant Morrison Animal Man issues ( 2-17). The later part of American Flagg vol 1 and all of American Flagg vol 2. Trade paperbacks of The Filth, Stormwatch: Force of Nature and Stormwatch: Lightning Strikes.

So I came back from Bangalore and read and read and read. I am still reading.

* * * *

Heh. Heh heh heh.

Two more crates of comics just arrived. One more should arrive pretty soon. Stuff that Gokul sent me two months ago. I don’t really need to list them all down, I had listed them all already here. My new flatmate and I hauled them home just after lunch, him shaking his head sadly and putting comments about decadence and the dastardliness of it all.

Now, pay attention. Look at the date of the post. 12th September 2005. That’s the date when I wrote down the list of books that were stuck in the States. I bought them sometime between February and August 2005. Nearly a year and a half of waiting for the preciouses to arrive. Which is why they say that comics aren’t just for kids anymore, you need patience to get your hands on them! *snicker*


11 thoughts on ““Shit Chimp Kill! Kill For Khruschev!”

  1. You are SO dead, I am telling you that. Grrrrr…

    All my comments have started to sound the same since all your posts have the same tone, so I have decided to say “Ditto” from now on, which won’t mean “Same as the previous commenter’s comment” but “Same as my comment in the previous post”.

    You are still totally dead.

  2. Mike says:

    Dude, is there a comic book that has Shit Chimp in it? I have a single jpg I got from somewhere, a few years ago, with the chimp in it, but if there is more I want to read it. I really don’t know anything about the background of it, and just came across your blog entry.

    • Mike says:

      Thx for the link to the page. To give back to the system, let me recommend “Where Bold Stars Go To Die”, by Gerry Alanguilan/Arlanzandro C. Esmena, published by SLG Publishing. I picked it up in San Jose, CA, at Art Boutiki. Normally I prefer European comics (BD) to the more zany American/Anglo variety. This one is of Philippine origin. Despite the somewhat, er, risque, subject matter I found it very sincere and quite funny…

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