
Right now?

Life’s not exactly rollicking right now. Too much work, or maybe it seems like too much work because I have been procrastinating for quite sometime now, and the deadline doesn’t just loom nearer, it positively hugs me in the face and refuses to let go.

That doesn’t quite mean I am not *ahem* indulging myself.

Friday, i got the DVDs of Ringu and Demon City Shinjuku and the audio CD of Danny Elfman: Music For a Darkened Theatre Volume 1, which had been ordered three weeks ago. My first online order, delivered piping hot from the US of A. Yippee!

Preacher continues to blow my mind. The profanity and the gore serve as a neat counterpoint to the interesting character developement – punctuated by off-the-cuff conversations on John Wayne movies , Laurel and Hardy enthusiasts as opposed to Chaplin fans, religious “revelations” which shock and evoke peals of laughter at the same time. Preacher is undoubtedly the most fun I have had in months. I wonder, as always, whether I should proceed slowly or whether I should complete the 66-issue run in one extended sitting. So far, I have gotten to issue 25.

I have started replaying No One Lives Forever, which used to run choppily on my old Celeron-366 machine. The gameplay is superb, as everyone and his mother can tell you. Serious Sam: The Second Encounter is static at the Babylonian level because my gore quota is being supplied by Preacher, for the moment.

I seem to be reading more comics than books this year. Not that I mind. It’s just that the combination of downloaded CBRs and Gotham reprints has succeeded in making me feel absolutely at peace. The word “satisfied” has never been used in conjuction with “comic needs” in my lifetime until now.


7 thoughts on “Right now?

  1. NOLF has a balance of Humor and action that is extremely hard to get right in a FPS with a story. It is well done in so many levels, that it makes me angry to think it didn’t do commercially well anywhere.

    Coincidence: I ordered some DVDs online too, arrived day before. Extended eds of Pulp Fiction, The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly, Snatch, and Memento. *glee*. Oh, and I had Ringu. I would’ve told you I could rip you a copy, but truth be told, a nice shiny disc does seem really nice, wot?

    • Dude rip me a copy of Ringu! I’m surprised you never told me you had a copy. I wanted to watch Ring 0 and Ring II (There were three movies that were made right?), any idea where I could get these?

      • Hm, told ya that gif I sent you would make a good lj user pic. :)
        As for the ripping, tonite, your will shall be done. Its actually a 9 courtesy work people.

    • NOLF has a balance of Humor and action that is extremely hard to get right in a FPS with a story.

      Absolutely. That reminded me, I need to kiss Priom the next time I meet him, for introducing me to this wonderful game wayyy back in 2000. Of course, life was a celeron-366 inspired bummer back then….

      Didn’t do commercially well????? When did that happen?????

      • Oh, NOLF and NOLF2 both were not so big in sales. NOLF2 did matginally better than NOLF, and both games did well in Bargain Bin sales, but were considered flops as mainstream commercial releases.

        They are not alone however. Grim Fandango was also a commercial failure. Like I said, beatzo my friend, people are stupid.

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