
I think I am getting a wee bit obsessed again.

Värttinä – Itkin
Itkin vuuen itkin toisen itkin kohta kolmannenkin
kolmannenkin neljännenkin viijennen vielä
Itkin pois itkin ihanat silmät kasvon kaunihin kaotin
kaotin kaunihin kasvon ihanat silmät

Kumpa voisin vielä vuuen kesteä tämän kesosen
tämän syksyn sinnitellä talven tunnustella
Lähen hoikka huolissani syksyisen yön sylihin
kuuta kohti kulkemahan yön sylihin
Synkeän yön sylihin kyyneleiltä katoaisin
päälläni pimeä pilvi pimeä pilvi

Kyynel vieri virtaeli vierivät vesipisarat
Kempä veisi kyyneleeni kasvoni kuivaelisi

En usko toeksi tuota nähne näillä silmilläni
kun en käyne katsomahan toeksi tuota
Tyhjä tuli toivotusta tosi toivomattomasta
vale viikon vuottelusta vuottelusta

En mie itke muitten nähen valittele muijen kuullen
Itken itkut itselleni kynnyksille kyyneleeni
Kempä veisi kyyneleeni kasvoni kuivaelisi
Miksi itken ilman syytä vaivojani valittelen
Mie itken joka ikävän joka huolen huokaelen

[Translated] I spent a year weeping, then another, then a third –
three, four, five years. I cried my lustrous eyes out,
I lost my pretty looks. I only wish I could last another year:
hold on through this one summer into autumn, ease through winter.
Poor little me, I’ll go into the autumn night and walk moonward
with my troubled mind. I’ll leave my tears behind and disappear
into the murky night’s embrace, a dark cloud over my head.
My tears flowed, the teardrops trickled down my cheeks.
Who will dry my tears, who will wipe them from my face?
I can’t believe that it’s all true, and I can’t convince myself,
since I won’t go and see it with my own eyes. All my hopes have
come to nothing, what I dreaded has come true. I waited so long,
but it all turned out to be a lie. But I won’t cry in front of others,
won’t complain with people around. My weeping I keep to myself,
my crying I do at home. Why do I cry for no reason, why do I lament?
I cry over each sorrow, and each worry makes me sigh.

[Lyrics courtesy www.varttina.com]

If anyone wants the mp3, let me know. In my humble opinion, this band out-Rahmans AR Rahman.


28 thoughts on “I think I am getting a wee bit obsessed again.

    • Because it was available online for only half an hour, at the University of Helsinki. My friend’s friend took it down as soon as I finished downloading the album.

    • Finnish. I came to know about them from the news that they are composing music for the Lord of The Rings: The Musical in collaboration with AR Rahman.

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